Kamis, 02 April 2015


1.      Find the definition of subject, verb, object, and complement ( modifier ) ?
Make 5 sentences and determine those 4 element !
·         Subject                : The part of sentence or clause about which something is being said.
·         Verb                    : A word which shows action or state of being.
·         Object                 : The entity that is acted upon by the subject.
·         Complement       : Something that completes something else or makes it better.
·         Modifier              : A word or group of words that describes or limit a verb, noun, adjective, or adverb.

Examples :
1.      Henry (s) read (v) the book (o) in the library (c).
2.      Timmy (s) went to (v) post office (o) yesterday (c).
3.      My brother (s) played (v) a soccer (o) at school (c).
4.      I (s) watched (v) a concert (o) at MEIS (c)
5.      My mother (s) cooked (v) beef steak (o) in the kitchen (c)

2.      Find the teory of subject – verb agreement !
·         If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural too.
·         If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too.
·         If that when using 2 subject or more and also connected with word ‘and’, the verbs should be plural too.
Examples :
·         We are very sad
·         They are at supermarket
·         I have worked hard
·         The sun rises

·         My sister and my mother is eating at the restaurant

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